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Best Blogs About Italy

On the Internet, thousands of enthusiasts share their blogs about Italy and the best Italian lifestyle experiences.

We have selected some of these blogs, the best in our opinion. For obvious reasons, we have excluded our Lavolio Blog from the list. However, that is also a great place to find wonderful information about foodie tips and the Italian lifestyle!

The ones we have in this list are the ones we think you'll find helpful, to discover the latest news on travel, cooking, wellness, and more. All the fresh and original topics about Italy.

These are blogs about Italy that are easy to read and explore. They also offer great photographic content: in a short time and fun way, the visitor can obtain helpful information on the best Italiane experiences. 

The Best Blogs To About Italy
Uptown Girl

A blog full of information, images, and colours welcomes its visitor to the world of Italy and living in Italy. Sabina Petrazzuolo shares with us her travel blog, experiences, stories and lifestyle tips.  

Her blog is full of sections - travel, food, beauty, shopping - which are in turn divided into other more specific sections. Especially, "A casa di Sabina," where the author maintains a much more personal and confidential relationship with female readers.

Top reasons to visit the blog:

  • It is a blog full of sections, always cheerful, lively, and colourful, with interesting travelling, cooking, shopping, beauty stories, etc.
  • In the section "A casa di Sabina", the blogger talks about herself by creating a more confidential bond with the readers who have the pleasure of following her. 
handmade Italian chocolates

It is a vibrant blog. Particularly, the Fashion section is rich and also contains columns relating to Home and Design, Beauty, and Fashion Horoscope. Great travel section with numerous reports from Italy and abroad and reviews of restaurants and hotels.

Do not miss the part dedicated to cooking, events, and valuable advice on organizing a wedding. The blog sections do not end here: the one dedicated to writing services for individuals or agencies is worth mentioning.

Top reasons to visit the blog:

  • The blog is full of sections. Among these: Fashion, Travel, Food, and Events, Culture.
  • The reader can find many valuable tips on furniture, cuisine, places to visit (also from the food and wine point of view), wedding organisation.
  • Of note is the section dedicated to writing services offered to those who need advertising campaigns, SEO copywriting, and much more.

What will you find in this blog? "Tips and tricks to live better". In particular, beauty ideas, tips for travelling and shopping, lots of recipes and information on quality Italian foods, especially from Emilia Romagna. Sonia Paladini is passionate about photography, and in fact, the images are remarkably accurate.

Top reasons to visit the blog:

  • The visitor finds interesting insights into beauty, travel, shopping.
  • An affluent section dedicated to quality Italian recipes and food
  • High-quality photographs that accompany the texts, embellishing them

A team of editors takes us to discover itineraries in Italy and Europe. But, like any good lifestyle blog, the topics covered include shopping (of course), food, and many small and valuable tips on how to perfect your lifestyle!

Top reasons to visit the blog:

  • A team of editors with different professions creates an exciting and never banal blog.
  • The visitor finds valuable advice not only on cooking but more generally on how to get back in shape physically and mentally.

Which ones of these blogs caught your fancy? Happy reading!