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Chestnut Mousse Recipe

If you love our Marrons Glacés, you will love this recipe for Chestnut Mousse!

Autumn is finally here. The weather is getting a little bit chillier,  and I find myself craving comforting seasonal dishes. And of course, dessert should never be overlooked. A big part of myself is being innovative and creative; after all, I decided to design a brand new concept of confectionery! I love that I have the possibility of sharing with you what’s going on in the world of food, what new flavour combinations chefs are using on their menus, the latest foodie trends and I'm always on the lookout for new ideas. With this rainy Autumn we're having, the focus is on warming and comforting spices and seasonal ingredients, like chestnuts.

Chestnuts are definitely one of my very favourite ingredients at this time of year - not only because of my moreish Marrons Glacés which are just the perfect seasonal treat - but also because they bring back fond memories of childhood and they are so versatile. The recipe I wanted to share with you today is a wonderful festive recipe by chef Russell Bateman: Chestnut Mousse. So easy to make but sure to impress everyone. If you love Marrons Glacés, I recommend you give this one a go, and I'm looking forwards to hearing how it went.

Here are the Chesnut Mousse ingredients:

- 3 Egg Yolks
- 3 Whole Eggs
- 100g Sugar
- 3 Leaves of Gelatine
- 500g Sweetened Chestnut Puree (easy to find in health supermarkets or online)
- 60ml Armagnac, Brandy or Rum (optional)
- 600g Double Cream (softly whipped)


- Soften the gelatine in cold water.

- Make a light custard by whisking together the eggs and sugar over a pan of simmering water. Once the mixture is white and fluffy and the sugar has dissolved, it’s ready. Once the gelatine is soft add to your custard to melt.

- Pass the chestnut puree through a fine sieve to make it more malleable; then, if using it, whisk in the alcohol vigorously until thoroughly incorporated.

- Fold the chestnut mix carefully into the slightly cool custard, then fold in the soft whipped double cream.

-Transfer into serving glasses and leave to set in the fridge until ready to serve.

Luxury Marrons Glacés
Serving suggestions:

Of course, the Chestnut Mousse is delicious served on its own, but as a lover of everything sweet, I believe there's always something extra that can be done to make your dessert extra special.

Some additional whipped cream on the top would be lovely; chocolate lovers out there, feel free to add chocolate shavings, and I recommend dark chocolate to balance the sweetness. For a little bit of colour and tartness you could top with a satsuma or clementines segments; to add some texture to the mousse you could choose amaretti or biscuits. Finally, of course, what could be better than some Lavolio Marrons Glacés crumbled on top?

Final thoughts...

Autumn really is one of the best seasons for flavour, richness and comforting food. I am looking forward to hearing what you think of my Marrons Glacés and of this fantastic recipe. I hope you try it and love it as much as I do.