Sure, you might already have the gift for mom, but have you thought of a handmade Mother's day card to accompany it?
If not, keep reading, because below we will explain how to make some beautiful and easy handmade Mother’s Day card.
Take advantage of this upcoming Mother's Day to write a letter to your mum, grandma or foster mum or guardian, made by you; in it, you can thank her for always being with you, through thick and thin, for giving you the best advice, and above all, for loving you unconditionally.
To create this Mother's Day card, you don't need expensive or hard-to-find materials. Just paper, scissors, and glue. Are you ready to try it? Read on.
How To Make The Perfect Handmade Mother's Day Card
Before explaining how to create beautiful cards for Mother's Day, I want to remind you of the importance of expressing our feelings, especially towards our loved ones, especially now that we might be separated by COVID-19 restrictions. Remember it's all in the details: You can do it with words, with gifts, spending time together, and with letters. Try handmade gifts, and you will see that you will make them very happy.
Now, let's get to work.
Below are what you need for a handmade Mother's Day card.

- Different coloured paper or magazine pieces
- Pair of scissors
- Glue
- Marker
- Take a sheet of paper of your choice of colour and mark four hearts about 5 cm high. Take a different coloured leaf and repeat the procedure. These hearts will be used to form a flower and stick it on the cover of your card.
- Cut out all the hearts and fold them in half.
- Take another sheet and fold it in half to create the card. My card is 18 cm tall by 15 cm wide.
- Remember that these measurements are just an example; if you want, you can make some mini cards or bigger cards, you decide.
- Take at least five hearts and try to decide where you will paste your flower. You can place it in the centre or align it to one of the four sides.
- Take a heart and apply glue only to the right side. Glue and repeat the procedure until you create a flower. Remember to alternate the colours of the hearts for a more fun effect.
Your card for Mother's Day is ready. Now you need to fill it with beautiful words and give it to mom.
This of course is just an idea - you can use magazine pieces to collage a colourful and fantastic image togetherIt or use the printed words to make up your message. You can really let your imagination run. After all, it's the thought that counts.
I hope you liked this tutorial to make your handmade Mother’s Day card. If you like the idea of creating your own cards, I recommend that you include chocolate gifts into your Mother's Day gift for your mum if you hadn't already included them. It is one of the most interesting and successful Mother's Day ideas that will lit up every mother's face with a smile.
When finishing any project, remember to clean your work area. It will ensure that everything is very clean and give you a sense of fulfilment.