The perfect gift for you or a loved one!


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Lavolio & William Morris

“Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.” William Morris

Lavolio Boutique Confectionery is delighted to announce our limited edition William Morris Collection. 

In our endless search for one-of-a-kind products and memorable experiences, we have decided to pair our delightfully tasty Italian Confectionery with one of the masters of British Design. We’d like to invite you to join us on this magical path of discovery, and to explore our latest and fabulous William Morris collection. We have been led by design, colours and unique details to make our gifting confectionery simply amazing and unique!!

Welcome to the Lavolio family our newest box designs by William Morris: these beautiful gift boxes are the perfect representation of sophistication, femininity and utter elegance.Handmade William Morris five collections tins Lavolio Italian boutique Confectionery

A brief look back to William Morris

William Morris (24 March 1834 – 3 October 1896) was an iconic British figure devoted to textile designs. Among some of his many talents were poetry, lecturing and writing. However, his strongest skills revolved around Arts and Crafts. He was deeply inspired by nature, and we can notice this in every single one of his designs. Flowers, strawberries, daisies, just to name a few. Whilst visiting theWilliam Morris Gallery in Walthamstow we discovered that  William Morris, or “Topsy” as his friends called him, was also such an adventurer! He travelled to Iceland and he fell in love with the craftsmanship tradition and wandered around in the mysteries of the Nordic landscapes. We share our love of travel and discovering new cultures.

William Morris face for biographyWilliam Morris square natural design


Everything Handmade!

The majority of William Morris’ designs were handmade. He had adelicately complex and understated vision of beauty. In our eyes, his strikingly recognizable designs are the perfect definition of elegance. His work was meticulously planned and harmonized with natural schemes and patterns, resulting in stylized and luxurious pieces with a timeless charm.

Here at Lavolio, we could not help falling in love with William Morris’ seaweed design. The beauty of nature’s intricate designs are now paired with our handcrafted artisan sweets. Explore our 30 flavours of Handmade Italian Confectionery, our beautiful Fondant Lovelies gifting box, for a striking alternative to a box of chocolate, all designed by the legendary William Morris.

Lavolio Italian boutique confectionery Nutty Forest Medley of nuts and chocolate William Morris collectionLavolio boutique confectionery fondant lovelies William Morris collectionWilliam Morris Seaweed design Lavolio confectionery collection heart shape