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Everything You Need To Know About Slow Food

Have you ever heard of Slow Food? Instinctively, we can think that it means the opposite of "fast food". Food that takes a long time to cook? Not quite... Let's find out!

Origins Of The Slow Food Movement

It was born as a counter-movement to fast-food culture. Not only in terms of preparation times, but also in all terms of all the processes behind that concept of "speed". Conscious consumption in the face of the frenzy of overconsumption.

Firstly, eating quality products, whose supply chain create a positive impact at a social, economic, and environmental level. Moreover, it seeks to give due importance to food's pleasure, learning to enjoy the diversity of recipes and flavours. Also, to recognize the variety of places of production and to respect the rhythm of the seasons.

Despite what it may seem, this concept has already been around for more than three decades worldwide. Originally from Italy, today we call it the "Slow Food movement. "

handmade Italian chocolates
Goals of Slow Food

The movement promotes the following initiatives:

  • Educating the palate is the best argument against the poor quality of fast food and food fraud.
  • Defending local cuisine, traditional productions, plant and animal species in danger of extinction.
  • Promoting a new, less intensive, and cleaner agriculture model based on local communities' knowledge and know-how. A model capable of offering development prospects, even in the poorest regions of the planet.
  • Protecting food, raw materials, cultivation, and transformation techniques inherited from local uses consolidated over time.
  • Defending biodiversity.
  • Safeguarding places that, due to their historical, artistic, or social value, are part of cultural heritage.
How Slow Food Works

Slow Food became in 1989 an international non-profit association financed by its members. It currently has more than 100,000 members and is present in 160 countries. As a result, there are national offices in Italy, Germany, Switzerland, the United States, Japan, Slow Food UK, and the Netherlands.

The Slow Food association has a foundation present in more than 50 countries, and more than 10,000 small producers participate, including Lavolio. It promotes sustainable agriculture that respects the environment and the culture of the people.

The local offices organise courses, tastings, dinners, and trips. To promote locally the campaigns launched by the association.  And, to participate in the significant events organized by Slow Food at the international level. Currently, more than 1,500 local Slow Food networks are active in 160 countries.

Slow Food and Restaurants Km. 0

Km.0 restaurants are those that follow the Slow Food philosophy. There, for instance, the chefs understand that it is impossible to separate gastronomic pleasure from responsibility with the producers, without whom they would not be able to make a successful meal.

Accreditation goes to restaurants that meet a series of requirements. Among them:

  • At least 40% of the ingredients must be of local origin. This implies that the restaurant buys directly from the producer and is less than 100 kilometres away.
  • 60% of the other ingredients must belong to some of the other categories or have organic certification.
  • There cannot be any dish that contains GMOs.
  • Awareness of artisanal production limitations, and seeking to optimize the synergies between restaurants and producers to the maximum.

In conclusion, what do you think of the movement? We love to be a part of these alternatives that respect responsible consumption and healthy eating.